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The Knoll
Frequently Asked Questions
What tree work is being done to create the new burial space?
About 200 trees will be removed in order to create more burial space and will be offset by planting around 1,100 new trees over a ten year period (2022-2032). The quantities will be verified by the tree warden in an ongoing basis.
What types of trees and shrubs will be planted?
A wide range of mostly native and some non-native tree species will be planted, as outlined in Newton Cemetery & Arboretum’s Horticultural Master Plan. In addition, ornamental trees (including flowering dogwoods, birches, magnolias and cherries), 22 varieties of shrubs and a variety of groundcovers, perennials and grasses totaling thousands of new plants are included.
Will the project be visible from the backyards of the North Street properties?
A fence will screen the North Street properties during construction and extensive new screen plantings, substantially evergreen, will provide year round protection as they grow over time. Low branching shade trees are included in the design to increase the depth of the screen plantings and to help reduce visibility, noise, and dust transmission.
Are you making any changes along Commonwealth Avenue?
How will you manage dust and noise control during the project?
Where possible, the initial earthwork activities will be scheduled during colder months when windows are closed, and privacy screening will be installed on the existing property fence to reduce visibility and provide dust control.
What are the work hours for construction?
Typical work hours will be 7am-5pm. All work will be performed in compliance with Newton’s Noise Ordinance.
Will blasting (rock removal by explosives) be required on the project?
We do not anticipate blasting at this time.
What is the schedule for this project?
Following are the anticipated project milestones:
- Oct. 2022: Start of Construction
- Nov. 2023: Construction Completion
- Spring 2024: Planting Completion
Will the Cemetery remain open for services and community access during the project?
Yes. The contractor will coordinate closely with NCC’s operations to ensure that burials are not disturbed by construction.
How will the community be notified of an upcoming project activity that may be disruptive?
NCC is planning to use the website to post information. A mailing list will also be developed to notify abutters.
Who do I contact if I have a question or concern?
Please contact The Knoll Project Manager Melissa Martinez at or 860-917-3750.
For construction questions, contact Larry Berger at or 617-968-3072.
If you would like to be included on an email notification distribution, please email Melissa Martinez.