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Lot Care

Lot Care
Enhance the natural beauty of your lot with an attractive flower bed or groundcover grown and cared for by the professional staff at Newton Cemetery. Devoted attention is given to your plants, ensuring they look their best throughout the season. Care includes planting, watering and weeding. Plants will be replaced if necessary and flowers removed after the first frost. Flowers and groundcover are available on lots with upright monuments. The size of the monument determines the bed size and price. If you are uncertain of size or require other assistance with ordering, the staff will be happy to help you. Beds are typically planted by Memorial Day, but may be purchased anytime throughout the season.
Two plan options are available. Annual Care is arranged on a yearly basis and Perpetual Care allows for a single endowment to provide plantings into perpetuity. Please call the office at 617-332-0047 for information on the financing options available for Perpetual Care plans.