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Cemetery Guidelines
Newton Cemetery & Arboretum grounds are open to the public every day of the year. The Rules and Regulations have been adopted for the preservation of the grounds, protection of lot owners, and safety of all. The guidelines outlined here are abridged from the full set of Rules and Regulations, which are available by request.
- Newton Cemetery is an active cemetery. Visitors should conduct themselves in a quiet and courteous manner. Please respect the privacy of people who are attending funerals or visiting graves.
- Please mind traffic control signs while driving on the Cemetery grounds. Automobiles shall not exceed fifteen miles per hour. Please do not drive or park on the grass.
- Please refrain from gathering flowers or disturbing the plants, wildlife or monuments. Many monuments may be fragile – please do not lean, sit, stand or climb on them.
- It is acceptable to walk over graves to visit another grave. Please be respectful, watch your step, and do your best to avoid walking over graves by using the roads and paths when possible.
- Children are welcome, but need to be accompanied by an adult if under the age of fifteen.
- Pets (except for service animals) must remain in an automobile while on the grounds.
- Please, no jogging, athletics or recreational use of bicycles.
- Peddling, soliciting or loitering on the property is prohibited.
- The disposal of rubbish or waste on any part of the Cemetery grounds or in any building is prohibited.
Planting in the ground is by Newton Cemetery staff only. Information about planting options can be found on the Holiday Tributes and Lot Care page.
Fresh cut flowers or potted plants may be placed at graves. Artificial decorations of natural materials such as dried, straw or silk flowers are permitted in lieu of fresh cut flowers or potted plants from October 1st through March 31st. Plastic decorations are prohibited. Glass, china or tin can containers and vigil lights are prohibited.
Balloons, boxes, shelves, toys, metal designs, ornaments, wood or iron planters, or other similar articles may not be placed at graves.
Decorations may be removed by Newton Cemetery staff when they become unsightly or harmful to the grass or memorials. Floral pieces from funerals are typically left for three days but may be removed from a grave once they become unsightly.
There are three dates when ALL items are removed: approximately two weeks after Christmas, two weeks after Easter and two weeks after Memorial Day. Items will be removed throughout the day on these clean-up dates. The exact dates will be posted on the cemetery grounds, on our website under News & Events, or you can join our email list to be notified. Artificial decorations will be removed April 1st through September 30th.
Newton Cemetery is not liable for items placed at graves, including lost or broken flower receptacles, and is not responsible for plantings damaged by the elements, wildlife, thieves, vandals, or other causes beyond its control.